
The Weather Girls, originally known as Two Tons of Fun, gained fame with their iconic disco hit “It’s Raining Men.” Founding members Izora Rhodes and Martha Wash were prominent backup singers for Sylvester before launching their careers. The duo’s powerful voices and performances solidified their status in music history.

In 1991, Izora brought her daughter, Dynelle Rhodes, into the group, marking the beginning of Dynelle’s journey as a Weather Girl. She became a lead figure following Izora’s death in 2004 and has successfully continued the legacy of The Weather Girls for over 30 years, inheriting the rights to the brand.

In 2020, the group collaborated with Terri Green and Rob Hardt, releasing the R&B soul single “Stand Up,” which topped the UK Soul charts at #1.

Throughout their careers, “It’s Raining Men” has achieved significant chart success, reaching No. 1 on the US Dance Club Songs chart and peaking at No. 46 on the Billboard Hot 100. The song has been certified Gold in the United States and remains a staple in dance music playlists.

The Weather Girls were also known for their vibrant performances at legendary venues like Studio 54, the epicenter of the disco era, where they contributed to the club’s electrifying atmosphere. Their music and stage presence resonated with the LGBTQ+ community and helped define the sound of the disco movement.

Dynelle is committed to preserving the band’s legacy while exploring her musical aspirations, including blues-tinged soul and southern soul. The Weather Girls remain a vibrant part of the music scene, inspiring fans worldwide.

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Contact The Weather Girls: info@theweathergirlsofficial.com
Booking Management: helenmwarner.tb@gmail.com